I’m Not Crazy! I Heat With Wood.
Heating my home with wood is something that is near and dear to my heart. I’ve been heating with wood for four years now. I took most of last year off as the demands of a new baby, kind of got in the way but, I’m back with a vengeance and renewed passion for it. I’m pretty lucky in that my partner is also a wood burner and we keep each others spirits up during the occasional lull (and sore back). I think the rewards are great as nothing quite heats like wood and the cost savings are substantial.
Can’t Be Casual
The first thing that you need to know about heating with wood is that it is something that you can’t be casual about. Whether you want to heat your house with a renewable form of energy, save a few bucks, or beat the “Man” out some tax dollars, you need to find your craziness that will bear you through when the going gets tough. Wood burners are the wackos you see on the side of the roads stuffing logs into Pick-Ups and Sub Compacts. So my advice is, own it!
It Is Hard Work
Another thing that you need to know is heating with wood can be a bit of work. If you want to reap the most success when it comes to saving money with wood you need to be getting your own. This usually involves lifting heavy things and having awkward conversations with strangers. The heavy lifting you can build up a tolerance for, the awkward conversations I haven’t mastered yet. Being that I live on Long Island and we’re more known for our Iced Tea than a strong self reliant streak. I end up with strangers looking at me like I’m crazy when I ask what they are going to be doing with their freshly cut down trees. They sort of give me the same wide berth they would reserve for the guy going through the recyclables on “Can Day”.
Wood Burning 4 Life
Lastly, you might end up driving your non-wood burning friends away. I’m not sure why they can’t talk for hours about the merits of different wood species or why they glaze over at the mention of seasoning strategies. Who wouldn’t find the catalytic vs. non-catalytic debate an entertaining way to pass a Friday night?
Okay, Maybe I Am Crazy. . .
So if you want to develop “quirky”habits, smell vaguely like smoke, build some weird muscle mass, terrify your neighbors, and drive away your friends, a wood burning stove just might be for you!
Mike’s note- Tonight’s post started out as a serious look at a wood burning stove as a means of cost savings and gaining a measure of self reliance. Someday soon I will write that blog but tonight the 15 month old, WON. Two big back teeth coming in helped beat up on Dear Old Dad. Which begs the question: Are Parents Masochists or Optimists?
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Amen, brother. I love my woodstove, and although I live in Alabama, would be happy to sit up, half the night, a whiskey in hand, feet propped by the stove and discuss, harvesting, splitting methods, stacking styles, seasoning strategies, your favorite woods and the joy of a “one match winter.” We are not alone in our eccentricities, maybe just a bit further apart geographically than we’d like.
Sounds like a good way to spend a night. It is nice to know I’m not alone.
Great little read!! I grew up splitting and stacking wood with the whole family. I’ve been through pretty much all of it. The injuries, the old fireplace, the old stoves (along with a few scary chimney fires – but my father was prepared and taught us well), and my father now has the fireplace insert. I love warming up by the fire on a cold, winter’s day. And hauling wood in during the winter gives you a daily breath of fresh air. I love it still. My husband loves it and we specifically looked for a home capable of being heated solely on wood heat! We found it and to this day we head out to the woods, cutting and hauling together! I love the fact that there is no heating bill and it’s great exercise! And when people ask about our heating bill. We can tell them “oh, about 3 cords.” Love those looks they give you. :o)
I’m glad you enjoyed it. There really is no heat like wood heat! It just seems to warm you to the bone. Plus, it does warm you twice, once splitting, stacking, and carrying wood, and the second time when you actually get a fire going. 🙂
I would love to heat with wood, but the government gets in the way. We have an Air Pollution Control District that dictates when you are and are not allowed to burn wood. So far, there have been very few burn days this season.
Wow, that really stinks! Does it matter what kind of stove you have? My stove is High Efficient and EPA Certified, does that make a difference?
Hi Guys, I loved the story. We have been researching and getting ready to buy a wood stove for sometime now. Like Carolyn I was not got to buy one because of the no burn days we have in Salt Lake all the time. But with the new stoves (like the one you have, Mike) you can burn anytime and you get a rebate back on your taxes. It’s a win win situation.
Thanks for the kind words, Jacque. I’m a big fan of the new stoves. They look good and getting some money back never hurt! Let us know how you make out with getting a stove.
Oh yeh….my neighbours think im eccentric as hell!!..turned my gas off and put in two burners about five yrs ago, since then the traditions surrounding winter and heat have become a family affair. Weve had some superb fun and some bloomin frustrating times…what im still learning?…prep is king!. Oh and im a tree surgeon so it should be easier than it is lmao…
You might also look into a rocket stove heater…much less wood required, they burn amazingly clean and you will still have all the “crazy much!?” vibe going for you! Fun blog!
Josie, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I like the rocket mass heaters and have thought of using one in my garage. I don’t think I had the room in my den where the stove is.