5 Amazing EDC Knives
I’m a knife guy and I make no bones about it. One of my greatest joys is handling and carrying a well made folding knife. I enjoy all sorts of knives but I wanted to narrow it down to my favorites. At first I tried to settle on just 3 but after that proved to impossible I decided to present you with 5 Amazing EDC Knives.
It would be to difficult for me to name a favorite so I’m going to show them in order from least expensive to most.
Be sure to check out the video at the end of the post!
Ontario Knife Works RAT 1
The RAT 1 (the bottom knife in the picture) is the least expensive of my favorite EDC knives but it is far from the least capable. The RAT proves that a well designed and well built folder doesn’t need to be built out of the latest gee-whiz materials to perform.
Spyderco Delica 4 FFG
The Delica 4 FFG (2nd from the bottom) is pretty much the smallest EDC knife that I carry. It has a decent steel and just loses itself in your pocket. I was lucky enough to get mine for my 40th birthday so it isn’t going anywhere!
Cold Steel Broken Skull
The Broken Skull (middle) is the latest knife to break into my Top 5. It hits on a lot of priorities: lightweight, premium steel, grippy, and thin. The shocking blue color doesn’t hurt either! The steel on this knife has impressed me a lot. It is CTS-XHP and it takes and holds a wicked sharp and thin edge. It is among the few blade steels that I would put into the Super Steel category.
Spyderco Paramilitary 2
The PM2 (2nd from top) is the first knife on the list to bust the $100 dollar mark but you get a lot for your money. It has a great steel, premium lock, is super fast, and the digi-cam handles are just plain cool. One thing that really stands out for me is that the blade coating has held to all I have thrown at it over the years. I’m used to coatings scratching or wearing off but this one holds on like a Great White onto a surfer.
Benchmade 940
The 940 (top) is the most expensive folding knife that I own. Now you might think that a knife that is a hair under $200 has no business being in a pocket but I’ve got a no “safe Queens” policy. The 940 is as much work of art as it is tool and I love it.
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Good selection of affordable knives. Due to my many years in the USAF I own a nice selection of Benchmade Knives. My favorite is probably the Triage folder. And, I also own a Gerber LMF II fixed blade that I keep strapped to my backpack.
Sounds like a nice collection!