YouTube Gear Reviews
Well it seems like it has been forever since I’ve managed an update here on The Backyard Pioneer, I felt compelled to do a little something. Since the birth of son number 2 things have been a bit crazy around “ye olde homestead”. Who knew that throwing one tiny screaming hellion in to the mix could bring 2 healthy 40-somethings to their knees. Here is a picture of “The Beast”
So in an effort to keep a little bit of content trickling out between the multiple nightly feedings, the sleep deprivation, the spitting up, the wicked gas, and the general neediness I’ve started doing some stuff with my long dormant YouTube channel. I’m banging out a few YouTube Gear Reviews every week. I’m going over some of my favorite EDC Gear and putting a “voice” to The Backyard Pioneer. I hope you’ll check it out and please hang in there with me, he’ll be going to college before we know it. . .
I’ve embedded a sample video and here is a link to 2 Minute Gear Reviews.
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Glad to see you back in business Mike! Kid #2 looks adorable- when does he get his first Spyderco?