It seems like it recent headlines have ripped right out of the Prepper’s Handbook. Economic collapse and civil unrest in Venezuela and Argentina, a highly suspicious jet airliner crash, and lets not forget Russia seizing Ukraine. Can a plague of locust be that far away? So in the spirit of wacky news I figured I would run a not so scientific but interesting poll, what are you prepping for?
Do you have one that I forgot? Leave a comment!
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All of the above, except the first and the last. Some short term (the air/water/food is already poison). Pandemic will get increasingly worse and peak end of 2017-2018. Natural disasters will increasing worse as the pole shifts and the ice caps melt.
Wow! Now, I’m depressed again ๐
I of course prep for all of the natural disaster type situations, but I especially do for a personal job loss situation. To know that I can feed my family even if we have zero money for anything else is a good feeling ๐
Being able to eat everyday is a nice thing! Thanks for stopping by!
1) Bug out for 3 months.
2) Not where I live (Strategic Relocation).
3) Bug out for 1 year.
4) Not where I live.
5) You really can not prep for that. Flash! 3 seconds. Boom! What are you going to do in 3 seconds besides kiss yo a$$ goodbye?
6) You forgot Electrical Grid Failure Bro!!!! Bug out 1 year, then garden on vacant land.
I like your answer to #6!