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If you are like my Wife and I, right about now you are swamped with tomatoes from your garden. With Yellow Pears, Orange Cherries, Sunbursts, Mortgage Lifters, Black Russians, and Pink Ladies we are in desperate need of recipes for tomatoes right NOW!!! Luckily for me the internet is filled with great blogs (and bloggers) that have risen to the challenge, and given us 9 great ways to use the abundance of our garden.
- Food Storage Made Easy had 3 cool recipes: Spaghetti Salad, Fresh Salsa, and Cream of Roasted Tomato Soup. They all sound so good!
- Are We Crazy, Or What took the extra step and made their own Ketchup!
- Food Storage and Survival made salsa 2 ways! Black Bean Salsa and Homemade Canned Salsa.
- Whole New Mom explains the easiest way to preserve those garden fresh tomatoes!
- Big Dan’s Ramblings goes the old school route and makes a kicking sauce and meatballs!
- Food Storage Mom’s shares an easy way to store tomatoes without having to peel them!
So there you have it 9 great things you can make with your garden tomatoes! They all beat leaving them on your neighbors front steps!
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I canned 280+ quarts of tomatoes, 29 pints of pizza sauce and 48 quarts of spaghetti sauce from my garden tomatoes. Gonna me good eating this winter!
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