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With the H7N9 strain of making news lately with it’s Human to Human transmission a good review of Flu Pandemic Preparedness is in order. Most Flu Pandemic Preparedness isn’t the sexy gear and guns driven survivalism/prepping but good old common sense stuff. Flu Pandemic Preparedness will go a long way towards ensuring you and your family’s safety during a Pandemic outbreak. The media hysteria over the Swine Flu may lead to a sense of complacency when it comes to Pandemic preparations, but the threat is a real possibility as Pandemic Flu’s strike 3 times on average per century.
The CDC states:
An influenza pandemic can occur when a non-human (novel) influenza virus gains the ability for efficient and sustained human-to-human transmission and then spreads globally. Influenza viruses that have the potential to cause a pandemic are referred to as ‘influenza viruses with pandemic potential.’
A good common sense Flu Pandemic Preparedness plan starts well before the actual Pandemic begins. Steps to take include:
- Food Storage. Having a 30+ day supply of food in your possession is a good place to start. If you have your supplies laid in before hand you can limit your exposure to an potential virus carriers. Furthermore if the Pandemic is anything like the well documented 1918-1919 Spanish Flu Pandemic the possibility of quarantine or break down of our fragile Just In Time delivery systems is a threat.
- Maintain your needed prescriptions so that you have a supply on hand in case getting out for refills becomes difficult.
- Have a supply of “Over The Counter” medications and medical supplies in your emergency preps. Medicines for aches,pains, and reducing fevers (Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen), Anti-Diarrhea, Anti-Cold and cough, Stomach remedies, and plenty of fluids with electrolytes are must haves in the face of the flu.
Hygiene will play an important role in battling any Flu Pandemic. Keeping you and your loved ones healthy will be of utmost importance!
- Avoid close contact with those who are sick. If you are caring for a sick loved one an N95 mask and gloves may be in order.
- Stay home if you are sick! You can miss a few days of work without the world imploding and keeping the virus from spreading is just good manners!
- All those things your Mother told you as a child will come in handy! Cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough and frequent hand washing (OCD jokes aside) will go a long way towards protecting your health and the health of others.
- Drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest, and eat a healthy diet! A strong constitution will be your first line of defense!
A Flu Pandemic doesn’t have to be a Disaster Movie like event for it to disrupt normal life. Having a good Preparedness plan in place long before it hits will be one of your best investments in you and your family’s health!
photo credit: Yasser Alghofily
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Great info Mike! Working on the necessary food supply now.
Just ordered my masks and gloves….just in case
One thing I will have a stock of is Boiron Oscillococcinum just in case precautions are not effective enough to keep me from getting the flu.