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Main home electrical panels require regular maintenance to prevent certain common, recurring problems. The home electrical box is an essential tool for your home’s electrical system and often it becomes necessary to access it to control your home’s power. If you are having problems with electrical service in your home, it can be a good idea to have a look in the electrical panel, however, most issues should be taken to an electrician. Doing a routine outward inspection of the panel may uncover a problem that requires immediate attention by a trained electrician.
When it comes to your problems and fixes for your home’s electrical system, unless you are an electrician you’re best served leaving the job to a trained professional. SInce the panel controls the distribution of electricity to your entire home, you will want to correct any potential problems quickly. Here are some common problems in home electrical panels that may require the attention of an electrician.
Excess moisture in the electrical panel is a serious problem. Typically this indicates a serious problem that requires the attention of an electrician. Moisture accumulation on the panel may mean that there is a drainage problem or water leak in your pipes. A sure sign that the panel is water damaged is white corrosion and/or rust. If the panel is water damaged, you will definitely need to replace it. It is best not to fumble around with the panel if you notice water damage. Instead, notify an electrician and get the panel replaced.
Poor Wiring
This is a common problem that occurs in hurried, careless, or inexperienced installations. Some of these issues involve oversize breakers for the circuit and two circuits on a single breaker. Double pole breakers providing power to two single circuits and jumbled, criss-crossing wires extending across the center of the panel are also relatively routine problems with the panel box. These issues are usually not too severe and can be easy to repair.
Damaged Cables
The service cables going from the power pole in front of your house to the structural mount on your home can become damaged or worn and affect the power supply to your house. Sometimes the cables are loose, lacking clamps, totally damaged, or uninsulated. If these cables are damaged, you will need to contact the utility company as this is their problem.
Manufacturing Issues
Often problems with the electrical panels are due to manufacturing problems. If this is the case, you may need to have the entire panel itself replaced. You will need to contact an electrician to determine whether or not the box needs to be totally replaced. Often any manufacturing issues are limited to fuses and circuits since these are often easily damaged if installed improperly. Before replacing, consult multiple electricians and find out what problems need to be addressed and what components need to be replaced. Alternatively, the breakers may be under or overcrowded. In this case you may still need to replace the panel.
Ben Vaughn writes on electrical panel problems and understanding your home’s electrical system for blackdiamondelectric.com. The more you understand, the more prepared you will be for any situation!
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