Bread Baked In A Kamado Oven
Bread baked in a Kamado Oven is a great way to expand upon general Preparedness plus it tastes great with a hint of flavor coming from the hardwood charcoal it is baked with.
In this video I touch a little bit on how a Kamado Oven works and how to regulate the temperature.
As you tell I’m a big fan of the Kamado Oven, is it something you would like to see more of here on The Backyard Pioneer?
The Video
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Have you ever made bread in a dutch oven?
I haven’t given it a try yet. I’m working my way up to it, as it does seem a bit daunting. Next up is baking an actual loaf in the gas grill and then the final frontier of the Dutch Oven!
What kind of plate is that under the bread? I don’t have a kamado I have a regular grill and a big chiminea to try. I’ve done pizza on the grill and it’s divine!
Kris, it is a pizza stone. It is a cheapo one I got at Bed, Bath, and Beyond. It gives that nice crust to the bottom.
I’ve done breads and lots of other things in the dutch oven love useing it so easy when you get use to using it.
I’ve baked a no knead bread in a dutch oven in the oven not on the grill though. It’s my best bread ever. I onyl wish I can perfect my doughs.