Roasting Chicken In A Cast Iron Skillet
I’m always looking for new homestyle cooking techniques to roast a chicken, and this roast chicken in a cast iron skillet looked to good not to take a swing at. With the price of food going up by the day lately, we’ve been eating a lot of chicken around here. I actually saw chicken cutlets for $7.99 a pound today, so maybe picking up the $ 0.99 a pound whole bird is an act of defiance!
What To Do!
- Preheat the oven to 425 degrees with the cast iron skillet in the oven.
- While the oven and skillet are heating. Rinse the chicken and towel it dry.
- After the chicken is dry give it a good rub down with 3 Tbs of Olive Oil and your favorite chicken seasoning.
- Put the chicken into the oven in the skillet.
- After 30 minutes start basting the chicken every 5-7 minutes.
- At 45 minutes insert a meat thermometer. When the chicken reads 165 degrees take it out
- Let the bird rest for 15 minutes prior to carving.
The chicken came out awesome! I used Herbs de Provence, Sea Salt, and fresh ground Black Pepper. The skin was the crispiest and tastiest I’ve ever had on a chicken.
I jazzed this meal up by using White Wine to de-glaze the pan and make a gravy with. After the de-glazing I added a bit of flour to make a roux (fat and flour mixture that act as a thickening agent) and then added chicken stock. The fennel seed and white wine combined to make a very flavorful gravy!
This came out awesome and i would recommend giving it a try!
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Looks yummy!
You never fail to amaze! definitely going to try this.
Love that cast iron; so versatile and simple. I’m not sure why more of the TV cooks don’t use the stuff. Guess it’s not glamorous enough for them.
Did you have any grease splatter problems inside the oven with it uncovered?
I did have a bit of grease splatter. Most recipes I found called for a 4 pound bird, I only had a 5.5 pounder so I think some of it can be attributed to the large bird in a small pan.
Looks awesome. I really need to get myself a good cast iron skillet. We have a very little one (think eggs and bacon for one) from my wife’s grandmother. Time to start building the ‘outdoor kitchen’ utensils 😉
Check out yard sales, I’ve scored a few on the cheap.