Preparedness Cooking Options
Having reliable ways to cook during a crisis or disaster go a long way towards making sure you and your family are comfortable and safe, here are my favorite preparedness cooking options.
Gas Grill.
Your backyard gas grill can be a powerful tool in an emergency situation. It can not only grill but with some practice it can be used as an oven as well. Models with a side burner can also be used to boil water helping to keep you healthy and improving your sanitation. I went more in depth into this here.
Kamado Oven
Now this one is a little more exotic but I can’t overstate how useful it is to have around in an emergency. A Kamado is a style of Asian clay oven that has been updated with modern ceramics and manufacturing. They are known more by their trade names like Big Green Egg or the newer Big Steel Keg. They use lump charcoal for heat and can be used as a smoker, grill, or oven. They can hold temps low enough for cold smoking or roar up to 800 degrees for searing steaks or making pizza. I’ll be writing more about them soon but, just know I think they’ve got a huge potential for preparedness.
Dutch Oven
The Dutch Oven has been a staple of outdoor and camp cooking for a long time. Cooking with one is a worthwhile skill to have. It takes a little bit of fooling around with to wring the most out of it but, once you’ve got it down it is more versatile than just being a big heavy pot. Those who really know what they are doing can even bake bread in one. A Dutch Oven and few bags of charcoal go a long way towards filling your preparedness cooking needs.
Camp Stove
Even if you don’t have room in your yard or budget for the fancier options a good camp stove will still cover your basic needs. They are pretty cheap and can even be found on Craigslist or at yard sales. A few cans of fuel or bottles of propane will get you through most regional disasters.
Wood Stove
A wood stove is a great dual purpose preparedness item. Not only does it keep you warm you can cook on it (or in it) as well. Most units have a cook surface that is suitable for bring water to a boil, so they can be used for soup and chili as well. I’ve even used mine to bake potatoes which were wrapped in tinfoil.
Final Thoughts
These are a few good preparedness cooking options that will get you through most disasters that might befall you. Some of them have longer term potential and are worth the investment.
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I have tried to think out side the flames for a few reasons one is if we are trying not to bring attention to ourselves this smoke and smell from outside will do just that. Now this would be worse case scenario if our disaster lasted to long or was most damaging. To cook with flames in doors I have sternos I also have butane burners I used for catering butane lasts in its can. They can be used just like a stove burner in doors as they burn clean no harmful air to breath in. Where some other fuels will dissipate or are harmful indoors like gas or not be available to replace with most fuels. So yes home fully we will have wood to cook and heat I know we will need it just trying to have more then one way for many things even water. Solar in numerous forms number one being a sun oven has means to cook has drying racks to dehydrate new sources of food grown or caught boil water and so much more. Another including the rocket stove flames again but very minimal out door cook heats water and could warm you out doors. I am not sure if this is what you were wanting in your last email but my quick thoughts on cooking flames to sun. May we be prepared and need none of it.