Last year I built some self watering containers out of 5 gallon pickle buckets, I’ve updated them a little bit and present the 2012 version.
This year I was able to score some lids. Last year I had to use garbage bags as my cover, and I wasn’t happy with it. I cut a hole in the middle for the plant to grow right through. I had to notch the cover a bit to clear the fill tube as well.
The new addition of the lid will act as a solid mulch. It will cut down on evaporation from the soil allowing the plants to get by with less water. Also weeds should be no issue at all this year.
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How do you cage up the tomatoes, when they get large?
I’ve got a stake wired to the outside of the bucket. I tie the plant off to that. You can also buy cages that fit right over the buckets. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, I’m away for work this past week and next.
For support, I have 3 canes taped to the sides of the bucket and secured at the top. Seems to work for me. Just got to figure how to send a pic or two to your site..
Brian, you can send pics to me at mike . I’d love to see your set-up.