Alright I’ll admit it I may have a problem when it comes to gadgets that fit into my pocket. The Surefire E2D-BK
has been riding in my pocket this week in an effort to give it a fair shake for it’s review. The light is a quality piece of gear and I really have nothing bad to say about it when it comes to fit, finish, and construction. I’ve only got one issue with it that keeps me from giving it a stellar rating.
To say that the Surefire is built like a tank is an understatement. It has an anodized aluminum body and a xenon bulb. The fit and finish are remarkable. I could find nothing worth noting. The body of the flashlight is covered with a grippy texture that sticks to your hand like glue. The flashlight throws a nice BRIGHT beam. I would say it lights up the dark better than any Mag-Lite I’ve ever used. The light takes the 123A Lithium batteries. These batteries are becoming more common so getting them isn’t a problem.
My one complaint about this light is it is a bit to tactical for me. I enjoyed carrying it using the pocket clip but, every time I reached into my pocket I gouged myself on the Crenelated Strike Bezel. Now if I ever need to whack someone in the head that would be a nice option to have but, my bouncing days (and a need to whack people in the head) are behind me.
If you have a need for the Strike Bezel than by all means get this light. If you don’t I would recommend any of Surefire’s other lights. These lights are built like tanks and have been there and done that on duty and battlefields all the globe over. They surely will stand up to all you or I can throw at them.
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I love mine. I’ve personally seen one fall ~30 feet out of a helicopter onto asphalt and survive with only cosmetic damage.
The only cons I see are:
-They get pretty hot when they’re on for more than a few minutes.
-After carrying it in my pocket for a while, it tore a large hole in the pocket…ended up having to buying a belt pouch for it.
My usual standard for drop testing is off of a telephone pole, you’ve got me beat 🙂
I’ve had mine for almost 7 years. It is my go-to light for any emergency. It also needs a pouch for any carry time, but I love it. If you don’t need the defender bezel, Surefire has other great lights out there for you.
I got a Surefire G2X Pro Dual-Output LED (200/15 Lumens) G2X-B-BK Black
for Christmas and I love it too. I’m carrying it now and will review it in the coming weeks. It is a bit cheaper than the Defender and, is a bit less tactical too. Plus 200 Lumens is crazy bright!
Just ran across one of these fantastic lights at a garage sale and it set me back $5.
It might have been the find of the year, to say the least.
Love it!
That is an awesome find!