I know I should try to come up with a flashier title than D.I.Y. Twine Dispenser but I’m working nights this week and I’m just bushed. I probably should be more excited about a project involving Duct tape, an overly sharp knife, and twine (just add gloves and you’d have the serial killer’s starter kit) but like I said I’m beat.
If you’re like me you can come up with a hundred and one use for twine around the house, backyard, and garden. I like to use a waxed twine but find that the plastic that holds it together never seems to hold up and I’m constantly throwing out old twine that gets all knotty. Never fear The Backyard Pioneer has come up with what I think is a nice easy and very handy solution.
Step 1-Gather your materials. For this you’ll need a metal coffee can with the lid, duct tape, and a washer. As far as tools go any old overly sharp super tactical Spyderco pocket light saber will do.
Step 2- Real technical here but put the twine into the coffee can.
Step 3- Poke a hole in the coffee can lid.
Step 4- Center the washer over the hole you poked in the lid and duct tape it down. Leave one side of the can un-duct taped as you’ll need to push the twine through the hole and washer.
Step 5- Use Super Tacti-cool knife to poke hole in the duct tape
Step 6- Push the twine through the hole and secure the lid with the duct tape.
The nice thing about this set-up is the twine will feed out from the middle and the washer keeps it from cutting the top of the can. I always want to add a piece of the cutting edge from a roll of plastic wrap in here somewhere but then why would I need an expensive pocket knife?
This is my D.I.Y. Twine Dispenser. Check out my attempt at Self Water Containers for more DIY stuff. The new knife I was showing off is a Spyderco Manix 2, look for an upcoming review, not to give to much away but I like it A LOT!!!
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Mike! This is awesome! Thank you so very much for linking up to Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways:) I’m so happy to “meet” you! I am totally loving your blog and your posts! I really hope you make Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways a part of your Wednesdays! And keep the great posts comin’
Very sincerely,
Andrea @ Frugally Sustainable