Camp Cooking Tips #1
I’ll admit straight off the bat, I’m one of the weird ones who likes to be the camp cook when we escape to the woods. I’ve been testing out various camp cooking tips over the years. Just because I enjoy it though doesn’t mean that I like to spend all my time slaving away over a hot camp stove, fire, or Dutch Oven. So to make my life easier I’ve come up with a few tips and tricks that I’ll share over the next few weeks.
Camp Cooking Tips #1
Pre-process your veggies and vacuum seal them before you head out to the woods. It might seem like a small thing but taking the time to do some of the prep will only enhance your camp cooking experience and give you more time to hang with friends and family!
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That is a great tip about the veggies. I never thought of that before. ^_^
Glad you liked it!
Excellent advice. It reminded me that I have a near new vacuum sealer collecting dust in the basement.
Hey Mike
How much in advance do you prep your veggies?
The night before I leave on a trip I like to do my food prep.