A few months ago I became the proud 300th owner of a beat to Hell Mossberg 500A. It was in the rare Knock Over Liquor Stores Edition, complete with Wrist Wrecking Pistol Grip and Sleazy Dyed Wood Fore-end. The Front Bead was broken off, it had no sling mount, and the action was filled with a quarter century worth of gunk.
I cleaned it up and snuck it out to the range where I had the “fun” experience of firing full bore 12 gauge rounds with the pistol grip. This isn’t a pleasant experience. I do have to admit I was smitten by the compact size and “I don’t give a crap” attitude of this little Shotty but I felt I didn’t have enough room in my safe for another “1 trick pony” of a gun. So this little baby was in need of an upgrade. I chose to fix the broken parts and upgrade it in the areas I thought it was lacking.
Did I mention it had to be on an extreme budget? This is what I came up with. . .
I’ll be detailing what I did to turn this into what I think is a pretty nifty Home Defense 12 Gauge Shotgun.
Every good Blog Gun Project needs a catchy name so I’d like to introduce “Project Screw Coumo”. I figure since my Governor deemed it necessary to pass a new bill limiting my Rights in the middle of the night it is only fitting to name a shotgun after him.
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how much was the shotgun?
Lew, I bought it for $125. For around here that is a pretty good deal. I’ll post what I spent on it and the upgrades in the next post. Thanks for commenting.